Comunicate de presă
06 July 2020
First CMCs published by INM in the area of Electricity and Magnetism
Another success for the team of the National Institute of Metrology! The first four CMC lines in the area of Electricity and Magnetism were published for the Republic of Moldova on 3 July 2020 in the BIPM KCDB calibration and measurement capabilities database. To be reminded that, totally, ...
01 July 2020
30 June 2020
Save the date! A new online training organized by INM
Subject: Best practice of research and development of control charts, which are the base for estimating the calibration intervals Period: 14-16 July 2020 The cost for one attending person is 2291,80 lei. Details: 022 903 139    
25 June 2020
Online training - Calibration of NAWI
24-26 June 2020 – right now, INM is organizing the second online course for its stakeholders. The subject of this training is focused on calibration of NAWI, non-automatic weighting instruments. During these several days, the participants attending the course shall find out more about th...
17 June 2020
Online training - Estimation of measuring instruments calibration intervals
Even during pandemy, INM is trying hard to provide quality services to all stakeholders. Thus, during 16-18 June 2020, there is an online course organized on the Estimation of measuring instruments calibration intervals. For the maintenance of a laboratory’s capabilities to give traceabl...
16 June 2020
Expanding calibration and measurement capabilities in temperature field
We are proud to inform all stakeholders that, yesterday, 15 June 2020, the BIPM KCDB database was completed with 31 more lines in temperature field for the Republic of Moldova. Simultaneously, the 38 existing lines were updated. Thus, INM has published 69 lines in the field of temperature. To ...
15 June 2020
INM specialists are attending an online training on measurement uncertainty estimation
During 15-19 June 2020, INM specialists are attending an online training, organized within the project ”Support to Quality Infrastructure framework in a DCFTA context in the Republic of Moldova”. The subject of the training refers to Measurement uncertainty estimation methods: GUM and...
12 June 2020
În atenția părților interesate! INM reia procesul de instruire
Schimbările provocate de pandemia COVID-19 și restricțiile impuse de autorități au dus la suspendarea temporară a unor activități ale INM. Acest lucru a provocat incomodități întregii țări, în special celor care activează în domeniul metrologiei. Dat fiind faptul că, la nivel...
25 May 2020
25-26 May 2020 – EURAMET General Assembly
The EURAMET General Assembly, the most important annual meeting in the framework of EURAMET, is taking place online this year. The Republic of Moldova is represented by Mr. Anatolie Melenciuc, the Director of the National Institute of Metrology. Among the important subjects discussed are: t...
20 May 2020
The working visit of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure at INM
In the framework of the World Metrology Day, the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure, Mr. Sergiu Railean, performed a working visit to the National Institute of Metrology. The Minister visited the INM calibration laboratories, where he got acquainted to the specific of the metrological acti...