This website was produced with the financial support of the European Union.
Its contents are the sole responsibility of INM and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
Rules for drafting articles to be published in the ”Metrology” journal:
1. Generalities
2. Editing rules
All rights over the published materials belong to INM. The opinions expressed in the articles belong to the authors. The editorial staff reserves the right to present other opinions.
National Institute of Metrology
Address: 28, E. Coca str., Chisinau, MD 2064 Republic of Moldova
The requests for aquiring the journal and the subscription shall be addressed to INM, on the e-mails,
Serghei CEAPA, chief-editor
Deputy Director, INM
Teodor BIRSA, deputy chief-editor
Head of Legal Metrology Department, INM
Constantin BORDIANU, editor
Head of Applied Metrology Department, INM
Diana BEJENARU, editor
Deputy Head of Legal Metrology Department, INM
Alexandra CRUDU, editor
Quality Manager, INM
Anatolii BESCUPSCHI, editor
Deputy Head of Applied Metrology Department, INM
Diana GAINA, responsible editor
Senior Specialist, Interdisciplinary Metrology Division, INM
Alina SINCARENCO, translator
Senior Specialist, External Cooperation, INM
Honorific President of SEC of INM
Proffesor, dr. engineer, dr. h.c., General Director of the Romanian Bureau for Legal Metrology
President of RENAR
Leonid CULIUC,
Correspondent Member of the Moldovan Academy of Sciences
Director of the Applied Physics Institute of MAS
Dr. engineer, Director of the National Institute of Metrology of Romania
Ilie NUCĂ,
Head of Electrical Engineering Department
Prelector, doctor in technical sciences
Technical University of Moldova
President of the Steering Committee
National Agency for Ensuring the Quality of the Proffessional Education
Alexandru TARLAJAN,
Doctor in technical sciences
Technical University of Moldova
Periodicity – quarterly
Cost of one edition – 75 lei
Cost of annual subscription – 300 lei
Cost of subscription includes the delivery to the indicated address.
For subscription, please contact us:
022 903 117,