”Metrology” journal

Rules for drafting articles to be published in the ”Metrology” journal:

1. Generalities

  • The works sent for publication shall represent the original contribution of the author. The responsibility for the veridicity of the presented information belongs to the author. 
  • The editorial staff has the right not to publish the works that are considered to be inappropriate. 
  • The manuscript of the articles is not returned to the author.

2. Editing rules

  • The articles shall have not less than 2 pages and not more than 10, they shall be drafted using MICROSOFT WORD of WINDOWS, with Times New Roman, 11, and shall be sent to the editorial staff electronically (CD, E-mail, Flash)  together with a printed copy. The images shall be black-and-white, integrated in the article, as well as in a separate folder (jpg format).
  • The articles shall be presented in Romanian/Russian (with English translation) or in English.
  • The articles shall have a not more than 100 words abstract, in Romanian/Russian and English, and a list of key-words.
  • The authors shall indicate their name, title, position, place of work, address (including e-mail) and phone. 
  • No abbreviations are accepted, except those widely used and known. 
  • The bibliography shall be indicated integral: author, title in original, edition, volume number, place of publishing, publishing house, publishing year.
  • The bibliographical references shall be marked in the text by indicating the number of the work in brackets.

All rights over the published materials belong to INM. The opinions expressed in the articles belong to the authors. The editorial staff reserves the right to present other opinions. 

Editorial address:

National Institute of Metrology
Address: 28, E. Coca str., Chisinau, MD 2064 Republic of Moldova

The requests for aquiring the journal and the subscription shall be addressed to INM, on the e-mails diana.bolotovici@inm.gov.md,  teodor.birsa@inm.gov.md.

Editorial staff:

Serghei  CEAPA, chief-editor
Deputy Director, INM

Teodor BIRSA, deputy chief-editor
Head of Legal Metrology Department, INM

Constantin BORDIANU, editor
Head of Applied Metrology Department, INM

Diana BEJENARU, editor
Deputy Head of Legal Metrology Department, INM

Alexandra CRUDU, editor
Quality Manager, INM

Anatolii BESCUPSCHI, editor
Deputy Head of Applied Metrology Department, INM

Diana GAINA, responsible editor 
Senior Specialist, Interdisciplinary Metrology Division, INM 

Alina SINCARENCO, translator
Senior Specialist, External Cooperation, INM

Scientific Editorial Council 

Honorific President of SEC of INM
Proffesor, dr. engineer, dr. h.c., General Director of the Romanian Bureau for Legal Metrology
President of RENAR

Leonid CULIUC,
Correspondent Member of the Moldovan Academy of Sciences  
Director of the Applied Physics Institute of MAS 

Dr. engineer, Director of the National Institute of Metrology of Romania

Ilie NUCĂ,
Head of Electrical Engineering Department
Prelector, doctor in technical sciences
Technical University of Moldova

Andrei CHICIUC, 
President of the Steering Committee  
National Agency for Ensuring the Quality of the Proffessional Education 

Alexandru TARLAJAN,
Doctor in technical sciences
Technical University of Moldova

”Metrology” journal offer 

Periodicity – quarterly
Cost of one edition – 75 lei
Cost of annual subscription – 300 lei
Cost of subscription includes the delivery to the indicated address.
For subscription, please contact us: 

022 903 117, 
e-mail: diana.bolotovici@inm.gov.md