”Mass and Related Quantities” Laboratory

The "Mass and Related Quantities" laboratory manages – undertakes, preserves and disseminates through modern equipment the measurement units of: mass, pressure, force and hardness.

The measurement units mentioned are crucial for the heavy industry, food, chemical, light, textile industry, medicine etc.


Main objectives of the laboratory are:

  • Assurance of uniformity, accuracy and traceability of measurements on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.
  • Management, maintenance, storage, preservance of measurement standards and of the equipment owned by the laboratory.
  • Research of the National Measurement Standards Base and of the equipment owned by the laboratory.
  • Storage, reproduction and dissemination of measurement units from national and reference measurement standards to the other standards and measuring instruments according to ierarchic schemes.
  • Participation in interlaboratory comparisons at international level for demonstration of laboratory measurement capabilities. 
  • High accuracy measurements performance.
  • Maintenance and continuous improvement of the quality management in the laboratory.
  • Development of calibration procedures for satisfying the necessity of economic agents regarding the traceability of measurement units.

Alexei Pianîh - Head of laboratory

Tel: (373 22) 903 139

E-mail: mase@inm.gov.md

National and reference measurement standards

The Laboratory owns 2 declared national measurement standards and has the intention to develop 2 more:

The National Measurement Standard of mass measurement unit (ETN 09-15) and reference measurement standards in the field of mass:

                                         Set of standard weights (1mg – 500mg)E1                              Set of standard weights (1g – 500g)E1


Set of standard weights (1g – 500g)E1 and standard weight of 10 kg E1

              Standard weights of 1 kg E2                Standard weights of 1 - 5 kg E2                   Standard weights of 10 kg E2



Manual mass comparator CCE 6 Max = 6,1 g, d = 0,1 μg     Manual mass comparator CCE 66 Max = 61 g, d = 1 μg


        Automatic mass comparator                                        Manual mass comparator CCE 40K3 Max = 41 kg, d = 2 mg 
CCE10000S-L Max = 10,05 kg, d = 0,1 mg




Susceptometer YSZ01C Max = 50 kg, d = 10 μg          High accuracy climate station, AccuracyT = 0,1˚C H = 2 %

The National Measurement Standard of pressure measurement unit (ETN 13-17) and reference standards in the field of pressure:

Measurement uncertainty: 0,2 Pa +30 ppm                                           Measurement uncertainty: 2 Pa +35 ppm
Measurement range                                                                                Measurement range 
- Absolute pressure: 8 kPa – 350 kPa                                                           - Absolute pressure:100 kPa – 7000 kPa
- Relative pressure: 7 kPa – 250 kPa                                                            - Relative pressure: 40 kPa – 7000 kPa 



                                 Measurement uncertainty: 0,01 %                                                             Measurement range 
                                     Measurement range                                                                       - Temperature (- 40÷+ 60)ºC
                        - Relative pressure: 200 kPa – 100000 kPa                                                  - Pressure(50 ÷ 1100) kPa, (500 ÷1100) k     


                             Measurement uncertaity: 0,01 %                                            Measurement uncertaity: 0,01 %
                                    Measurement range                                                               Measurement range 
                       - Relative pressure: 200 kPa – 100000 kPa                                    - Relative pressure: 200 kPa – 1000 kPa

Reference measurement standards in the field of force:

                                Standard force machine                                                                                            Dynamometers
                                    Measurement range                                                                                              Measurement range 
                                      -(1,0 ÷ 50,0) kN                                                                                                      -0,01 N ÷ 50,0 kN



Measurement capabilities and provided services

The ”Mass and related quantities” Laboratory offers a wide range of services to the consumer. Its activity focuses on works related to the following measuring instruments in:

  • Mass field
  • Pressure field
  • Force field
  • Small volumes field

Measurement standard


Measurement method

Calibration area

Measurement uncertainty

Standard weights


Comparison in air

1 ÷ 100 mg

0,001 ÷ 0,0017 mg

Standard weights


Comparison in air

0,1 ÷ 1 g

0,0017 ÷ 0,004 mg

Standard weights


Comparison in air

1 ÷ 10 g

0,004 ÷ 0,007 mg

Standard weights


Comparison in air

10 ÷ 100 g

0,007 ÷ 0,02 mg

Standard weights


Comparison in air

0,1 ÷ 1 kg

0,02 ÷ 0,2 mg

Standard weights


Comparison in air

1 ÷ 10 kg

0,2 ÷ 2,0 mg

System for measuring pressure with piston and weights 


Direct comparison

7 ÷ 350 kPa


30 ppm

System for measuring pressure with piston and weights


Direct comparison

40 ÷ 7000 kPa


35 ppm

Manometer with piston and weights 


Direct comparison

2 ÷ 1000 bar


0,01 %

Manometer with piston and weights differential


Direct comparison

2 ÷ 10 bar


0,01 %

Pressure Calibrator RMP4


Direct comparison 

0 ÷ 350 kPa


0,008 %



Direct comparison

1 ÷ 500 kN


0,12 %

Volume measurer, including volume dosimeters


Indirect comparison

0,1 μl ÷ 2000 ml

0,002 µl

Traceability routes
Schemă de trasabilitate a unității de măsură a maseiPublished: 03.03.2023