Comunicate de presă
08 October 2020
Annual meeting of EURAMET Working group for capacity building
The 5th annual meeting of the EURAMET BoD Working group for capacity building took place during 7-8 October 2020 on an online platform. Among the subjects discussed, we can mention the capacity building instruments (training courses, research mobility grants, mentorship program, small collabor...
06 October 2020
Closing event of the EU project ”Support for the quality infrastructure framework in a DCFTA cont...
Happening now - 06.10.2020 - the closing event of the EU funded project ”Support for the quality infrastructure framework in a DCFTA context in the Republic of Moldova”. During the lifetime of the project, INM, together with the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, as well as s...
01 October 2020
Surveillance of OCP-INM activity by MOLDAC
Today, 01.10.2020, the National Accreditation Center MOLDAC is conducting the surveillance of the Product Certification Body OCP-INM, in order to assure the conformity of the management system implemented and of the technical activities performed according to the reference standard ISO/IEC 17065 ...
24 September 2020
INM at the COOMET Committee meeting
Today, 24 September 2020, the online meeting of COOMET Committee is taking place online. INM is represented by Mr. Anatolie Melenciuc, Director of INM. The agenda includes subjects like COOMET Strategy 2020-2025, COOMET Development Program 2020 – 2022, membership of COOMET Appeal Board f...
01 September 2020
INM attends the EURAMET Technical Committee on Thermometry
The annual meeting of EURAMET Technical Committee on Thermometry is held online during 01-02 September 2020. INM is represented by Mr. Constantin Bordianu, Head of Applied Metrology Department. Besides the technical aspects, the agenda includes subjects concerning the capacity building activit...
26 August 2020
„Nu e țară fără limbă, fără limbă nu-i popor” (Dumitru Matcovschi)
În fiecare an, luna august se încheie cu două mari sărbători naționale – Ziua Independenței și Ziua Limbii Române. „Limba română este patria mea” (Nichita Stănescu) Ziua Limbii Române este sărbătorită în Republica Moldova încep&aci...
14 August 2020
Incursiune în istoria măsurărilor - unități vechi de măsură românești
Vechile măsuri au apărut şi s-au modificat în paralel cu evoluţia istorică a teritoriilor pe care s-a format poporul român. Unităţile de măsuri arhaice au fost impuse ca necesitate de dezvoltarea relaţiilor umane, a schimbului de marfuri şi, implicit, de stabilirea unei echivalențe a ...
13 August 2020
Online training - Metrological verification of thermal energy meters
The National Institute of Metrology conducts, during 12-14 august 2020, an online training on the ”Metrological verification of thermal energy meters”. Besides the general aspects related to constructive types, classification and use of thermal energy meters (TEM), the trainin...
31 July 2020
Amendments to the Official List of measuring instruments and measurements subject to legal metrol...
We bring to your attention the approval of amendments to the Official List of measuring instruments and measurements subject to legal metrological control, approved through the Government Decision no. 1042 from 13.09.2016. The modifications came into force with their publication in the Offic...
09 July 2020
COOMET Joint Committee for Standards meeting
The 18th meeting of the COOMET Joint Committee for Standards is taking place today, 9 July 2020. This time, the usual meeting was replaced by an online one. INM is represented by Anatolii Bescupschi, Deputy Head of Applied Metrology Department of INM and Chair of COOMET TC 1.7 ”Photometry a...