Comunicate de presă
15 April 2021
EURAMET Peer Review of the INM Temperature and Humidity Measurements Laboratory
We continue the peer review procedure, conducted by experts from EURAMET member states, with the Temperature and Humidity Measurements Laboratory of INM, i.e. with the thermometry field and calibration of fixed points. Thus, during 15-16 April 2021, LMTU shall demonstrate their calibration and...
24 March 2021
COOMET TC 1.4 Flow meeting
The online meeting of COOMET Technical Committee 1.4 on Flow took place today, 24.03.2021. Future plans within COOMET were discussed, as well as the period and modality of conducting future meetings of the TC. Another important subject referred to international interlaboratory comparisons, ...
18 March 2021
EURAMET Peer Review of the INM Temperature and Humidity Measurements Laboratory
We continue the peer review procedure, conducted by experts from EURAMET member states, with the Temperature and Humidity Measurements Laboratory of INM. Thus, during 18-19 March 2021, LMTU shall demonstrate their calibration and measurement capabilities, as well as the efficiency of the Quali...
16 March 2021
EURAMET Peer Review of the INM Electromagnetic, Frequency and Time Measurements Laboratory
As a full member of EURAMET, INM is periodically passing the peer review procedure, conducted by experts from other EURAMET member states, in order to demonstrate the calibration and measurement capabilities, as well as the efficiency of the Quality Management System implemented. Thus, during ...
08 March 2021
La mulți ani tuturor FEMEILOR!
26 February 2021
Instruire online: „Verificarea metrologică a ACFN. Elemente și practici utile de ILC, conform ISO...
Institutul Naţional de Metrologie organizează instruirea cu tematica: Verificarea metrologică a ACFN. Elemente și practici utile de ILC, conform ISO/IEC 17043 Instruirea va avea loc în perioada 02.03.2021 – 05.03.2021, în regim online. Costul pentru o persoană instruită e...
24 December 2020
Felicitările colegilor metrologi
16 December 2020
EURAMET Communication Workshop
The EURAMET Communication Workshop took place today, 16 December 2020, on an online platform. 35 participants from EURAMET member states met to discuss and share their experience on the internal and external communication of National Metrology Institutes during the pandemics.
07 December 2020
30 November 2020
INM at the COOMET „Ionizing Radiation and Radioactivity” Technical Committee meeting
The 17th meeting of the COOMET Technical Committee TC 1.9 ”Ionizing Radiation and Radioactivity” is taking place online today, 30 November 2020. INM is represented by Efimia Luchian, Head of Ionizing Radiations Laboratory and member of COOMET TC 1.9. The agenda includes subjects...