Comunicate de presă
08 April 2019
INM has signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of metrology with Lithuania
On 03.04.2019, in the framework of the 29th meeting of the COOMET Committee, INM has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC) of Lithuania. The objectives of the Memorandum include the exchange of experience, knowledge transfer,...
08 April 2019
INM representatives attend the COOMET Committee meeting
During 2-4 April 2019, PTB is hosting the 17th meeting of the Joint Committee on Measurement Standards and the 29th COOMET Committee meeting. The subjects to be discussed include a more efficient COOMET activity, some modifications in the structure of COOMET, negociation of the updating of the...
08 April 2019
The 3rd extraordinary meeting of EASC organized in Chisinau
The 3rd extraordinary meeting of the Euro-Asian Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (EASC) was organized in Chisinau on 2 April 2019. The subjects of the meeting included the efficient cooperation within EASC and modification of its structure. The meeting was attended by...
27 March 2019
Training course on physical-chemical measurements
During 25-26 March 2019, INM organized a training course in the area of physical-chemical measurements. The subjects covered were: -  Verification of measuring instruments in the physical-chemical field: gas analyzers (combustion gases and exhaust gases); -  Verification of measur...
26 March 2019
INM – the host of the 26th meeting of the COOMET Technical Committee Quality Forum
In the period of 26-27 March 2019, INM is the host of the COOMET Technical Committee Quality Forum (TC QF) - TC 3.1. The meeting is attended by representatives of 8 countries. The subjects of the meeting include: - Approval of the program of the 26th TC QF meeting and examination of the m...
11 March 2019
Developing professional competences of INM specialists
During the period 11-22 March 2019, INM is hosting a training course in the field of physical-chemical measurements ”Calibration of Atomic Absorption Spectrometers by using CRMs”. The lector of the course is Dr. Evaldas Naujalis, Chair of the Council for Research and Coordination of t...
08 March 2019
La mulţi ani, tuturor Femeilor!
Pentru că sunteţi cele care înseninează zilele bărbaţilor… Pentru că sunteţi cele care suflaţi dragoste peste orice faceţi… Pentru că sunteţi cele care, chiar și numai când priviţi către copiii voştri, daţi lumii mai multă frumuseţe… Pentru că sunteţi cele care gă...
21 February 2019
Congratulations, INM!
Exactly six years ago, as a result of the reformation of the quality infrastructure system in the Republic of Moldova, the National Institute of Metrology was being created as a separate entity, responsible for the implementation of national policies in the area of metrology. Today, even though a...
14 February 2019
Schimb de experiență dintre specialiștii INM și colegii din Bosnia și Herțegovina
Întrucât cel mai popular standard pentru competența laboratoarelor de încercări și etalonări a fost actualizat, luând în considerare recentele modificări în mediul și practicile de lucru ale laboratoarelor, specialiștii INM au participat în perioada 11-13 februarie 2019 într-o vizită de studiu la...
21 December 2018
Sărbători Fericite !